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MAYA’S GOLDEN CAP - Are you game to defeat dyslexia? - Pearl Academy

Dyslexia is a type of learning disability. The word dyslexia comes from two Greek words: dys, which means abnormal or impaired, and lexis, which refers to language or words. A person with a learning disability has trouble processing words or numbers, making reading comprehension, speaking and writing difficult. It is not surprising that people with dyslexia have trouble expressing themselves and getting ahead in school. Communication Design student, Ayushi has spent her life trying to work around her own learning disability by finding different strategies to learn and express herself. Her final thesis project at Pearl Academy centers around this theme, reflecting her desire to change the general perception people have towards Dyslexics.

Maya’s Golden Cap is a brilliant tool for dyslexic children to overcome typical psychological setbacks they face while communicating with others. The board game is portable, economically designed and encourages the exchange of positive affirmations between 2 players through a series of lively, problem solving activities. The main goal of the board game is to encourage children diagnosed with dyslexia to feel at ease during the learning process. Emotional support for people with dyslexia is very important. They often get frustrated because no matter how hard they try, they can’t seem to keep up with other students while results in feelings of worthlessness.

Ayushi’s mentors at Pearl Academy encouraged her to develop her board game while immersing herself in research. In order to get a clinical understanding of the disorder, Ayushi attended therapy sessions with dyslexic children at Fortis Hospital in Gurgaon. Here, she observed that these children did not like to attend these dry therapy sessions. She also noted that these sessions were quite expensive and unaffordable for families that weren’t financially secure. The board game she designed tackled both these issues by being entertaining, interactive and conveniently priced.
School of Design
Cohort: CD 2010-2014
Shweta Mohapatra

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