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Making Every Thread Count : Tailoring a sustainable future through innovative fabrics - Pearl Academy

Who hasn’t fallen into the trap of online targeted ads especially during a sale, and then gone on to obsessively add the perfect fits to the cart? We’ve all been there. But have you ever paused and thought about that beautiful Pashmina shawl in your mother’s closet, passed on to her by your grandmother? Not only does it have the nostalgia of the past intertwined in its threads, but it also has the key to a brighter future for fashion.

Every time the fever of compulsive shopping takes over, it is important to pause and think if these are the clothes that we really need. Doing this is not only good for your wallet, but also the need of the hour for the environment as well.

Over the past couple of years, we have tried to move away from fast fashion, whose non-biodegradable textiles continue to overburden landfills, and embrace the beauty and sustainability of timeless pieces. There have been many inventions and innovations in the world of fashion that can help bring an ecological future. Let’s take a look at how we can play our part.

Innovative New-age Fabrics:
Several trailblazers have been working towards developing fabrics that can be made using organic by-products or materials that are found in abundance in the environment. Be it eco-friendly rubber derived from algae, cruelty-free leather from pineapple leaves, or vegan fur made from seaweed, these fabrics provide us with an opportunity to create iconic outfits without harming the environment. They give designers the freedom to experiment, explore different techniques, and add versatility to their catalog while ensuring that everything they create is sustainable and cruelty-free.

Reclaimed Fabric (Deadstock):
While creating garments out of fabrics, large fashion corporations end up creating a tonne of waste consisting of leftover fabric bits and pieces. This ‘waste’ can actually be repurposed to create ‘new’ textiles, by weaving the scraps together, quilting, or through numerous other techniques. It creates a circle of life for the fabrics, in a way that there is zero waste. Young designers such as our alumna, Ashita Singhal, are doing some revolutionary work in making this a reality. Her brainchild, Paiwand Studio, converts textile waste into artistic designer clothes.

Organic Fabrics:
For people who believe that old is gold, there are also sustainable ways to farm already existing and much-loved fabrics like cotton, wool, or silk. One of these includes Yak wool, which is shed by the animal rather than being shredded. Peace silk or Ahimsa silk is a cruelty-free and non-violent method of harvesting fiber, one that lets the silkworms complete their lifecycle without harm.

It’s important for designers, labels, and brands to incorporate sustainability in their processes of obtaining raw materials, production, and after-care for the clothes. However, our contribution as consumers is paramount in ensuring we take the industry towards a better tomorrow. If you want to know how simple changes in your lifestyle can lead to a transformation, we’ve got you covered!.

On the other hand, if you’re looking to make a difference right where the action takes place, Pearl Academy textile design course will help you turn your capabilities into expertise and enable you to turn your innovative ideas into extraordinary solutions. Read more about our course here.

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