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Creative Business Archives - Pearl Academy
4 Business Trends Emerging From COVID-19

4 Business Trends Emerging From COVID-19

Republished from – 4 Business Trends Emerging From COVID-19, 22 April 2020 The world has certainly slowed down lately, leaving a lot of business owners either scrambling or strategizing. A few trends are emerging, and if considered, could give your...
Design v/s COVID 19

Design v/s COVID 19

“Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Winston Churchill is believed to have said this in the mid-1940s during the end of World War II. The quote couldn’t be more relevant in today’s times. We are in the middle of a crisis, and we are witnessing human ingenuity and...
Look Up To The Lockdown

Look Up To The Lockdown

Enough and more has been written about how the COVID-19 crisis has ushered in unpredictable and unprecedented times for the humanity and nations across the world. The pandemic has acted like an agitator in the evolution of many industries and technologies. This...
Fashion In The New Reality

Fashion In The New Reality

After about a month spent in lockdown, it feels that our personal earths have shifted a bit on their axes, leading to monumental disruptions in our personal and professional lives. Being an educator by profession, I am seeing the current health crisis from that lens....